The Art and Practice of Diagnosis in Chinese Medicine

The Art and Practice of Diagnosis in Chinese Medicine

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Product Description

Divided into two sections, it is a comprehensive diagnostic manual. The first section explains how to collect and collate the information required to formulate a diagnosis and is divided into four approaches: visual, palpation, interrogation and listening/smelling. The second section describes the various diagnostic models in Chinese medicine, including The Eight Principles; zangfu organ pattern; the Six stages, four levels and san jiao; the twelve regular channels and eight extraordinary vessels; and the Five Phases.

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Total sales volume51
Delivery methodAuto Delivery
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Product Description

Divided into two sections, it is a comprehensive diagnostic manual. The first section explains how to collect and collate the information required to formulate a diagnosis and is divided into four approaches: visual, palpation, interrogation and listening/smelling. The second section describes the various diagnostic models in Chinese medicine, including The Eight Principles; zangfu organ pattern; the Six stages, four levels and san jiao; the twelve regular channels and eight extraordinary vessels; and the Five Phases.